facebook Why You Should Go with AngularJS for Your Next Project?

Why You Should Go with AngularJS for Your Next Project?

| May 9th, 2017 | 1575 Views

The Angular JS has been developed by Google and is a new framework that is developed to facilitate a better development of the front end. Many developers are using this and their experience has been very pleasant, so here are some reasons as to why you should go for this without any hesitation.

Reasons to select AngularJS

  • Testing at the enterprise level: The good thing about Angular JS is that you do not require to apply any other plugins or additional frameworks with it. If you are acquainted with projects like Jasmine, Mocha and Q-unit, then using this will be a piece of cake. This is very user-friendly and there are no complications at all.

  • Angular uses HTML as a template: If you have sufficient experience in Hojan or Mustache; then you will have no difficulty in understanding the syntax that comes with the templating engine of Angular as it consists of only HTML. The templates are then passed on to the compiler in Angular where they are reused, executed and extended. This is significant as you will now have DOM components instead of just strings.

  • Enhance HTML: With Angular, you can now use HTML in a similar fashion like XML and this will open up doors to explore endless possibilities regarding attributes and tags. All of this can be done through the HTML compiler and by using directives to initiate behaviors based on the new syntax that is created by you.

  • Dependency Injection and Binding of data: Communication to UI within the pattern of MVVM is automatic whenever there is a change. This completely does away with the requirements for class declarations, getters and wrappers. Angular JS will take on all these aspects so you can put out your data using Javascript Primitives. Everything happens through an automated process you can request for dependencies in the service functions within AngularJS.

  • MVVM saves the day: Models communicate with the ViewModel which monitor changes made to Models. All of this is then rendered and delivered by Views, which again is HTML that shows your code. The views are routed by utilizing $route provider, all of this can organize and deep link all your controllers and views converting them to URLs that can be navigated easily. AngularJS provides the best controllers which control and initialize the $scope object.

  • Rest Easy: The restful actions have become a standard medium of communication between the client and the server. With a little bit of Javascript, you may communicate very easily with the server and acquire data that is needed for you to interact with web pages. Angular JS converts this to a simple object that is Javascript oriented.

  • User-friendly interface: The interface used by AngularJS is very user-friendly and is based on HTML which facilitates smooth operation.

So you see that using AngularJS is not at all difficult, in fact, there are a plethora of things that you can achieve with it. This is similar to JavascriptMVC or Backbone. This is the best solution for web development on the front end. You do not need to use other frameworks or plugins to create a web application. So above mentioned are some of the principals that help AngularJS to create an efficient code base. Provided you have a system to store data AngularJS will perform all the heavy lifting and provide a fast and a rich experience for any user. There are quite a few technicalities involved in this so if you feel a little unsure you can always hire the help of a professional just to make sure that you can do things right.

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