facebook Time to Redefine Your Responsibilities as a Salesperson

Time to Redefine Your Responsibilities as a Salesperson

| September 7th, 2021 | 6114 Views

In present business scenario, Marketing has been redefined. It’s not just the aggressive run to met targets that make you a good salesperson but the better understanding of marketing tools, social media tools and technologies play a key role in running ahead of competitors.

One must know that the buying cycle for the client may greatly differ from what has been envisioned by the seller. If you are not proactive in understanding the steps your client is about to take, you will be playing the game in a different stadium, metaphorically speaking.

To understand the sales process, here’s a quick step-to-step guide:

  1. Initial contact with the potential customer/client
  2. Followed by a meeting
  3. During the meeting, sales side determines if there is a good fit
  4. Once fit is found, a proposal is given to the potential client
  5. Negotiation talks begin
  6. Agreement is made
  7. Sales completed

From a customer’s point of view, the sales process works a bit differently. While the steps remain the same, in between every step, they perform their own research to keep the confidence and assurance of quality and fair price.

As a seller, if you are not addressing the questions and concerns that the potential client is raising during the buyer-seller process, someone from your competition will.

This is why it is very important to be a subject matter expert along with a good salesperson.

There are a number of factors that differentiate an SME from a salesperson and in many ways, make him superior. For instance, they bring:

  1. High credibility
  2. High integrity
  3. Know-how on current and upcoming trends
  4. Best utilization of buyer’s buying process
  5. Better Marketing understanding

At every step, honesty and transparency in your conduct towards your potential client will help you reach towards your deal, positively and efficiently. One an ending note, a seller should always be looking out for the best interests of the client whether or not that means making a sale. Because then and only then will the buyer feel confident to really invest his time, money and self to the seller. And that in the truest sense will be a WIN-WIN situation!

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