facebook How A SEO Company Performs An SEO Audit?

How A SEO Company Performs An SEO Audit?

| June 20th, 2022 | 2107 Views

SEO Company Performs An SEO Audit

An SEO audit is unquestionably the first step an exceptional SEO company performs. With any client, an internet marketing agency first thoroughly evaluates, in what ways, can they optimize their business. Before taking any action, an SEO firm understands what are they supposed to act on. To get answers, and to understand a business extensively an SEO audit gets performed. This blog will educate you on how professional SEO firms perform an effective SEO audit.

What Are SEO Audits And Why Are They Necessary?

An SEO audit helps Companies to understand a client’s business and how can they improve it. With an SEO audit, they have a clear idea of what parameters do they need to work on and how much time, and resources will it require to optimize their digital platforms. It helps them understand the client market and optimize their website, as required.

An SEO audit is the first step that allows a company to take better steps with a client’s campaign. The audit allows the SEO company to set up an effective SEO campaign. All future steps or measures rely on an SEO audit. Therefore, an SEO audit is a necessary step on which a highly successful campaign relies. Not just the beginning but an SEO audit is required from time to time as SEO is a continuous process that requires updates, and hence, SEO audits are essential.

An SEO audit can even optimize an ongoing SEO strategy, and better the performance of a running campaign. If rankings are suddenly dropping, they can conduct an SEO audit to understand what’s wrong with a client’s business.

What Are the Steps Taken By An SEO Company To Conduct An SEO Audit?

SEO audits are performed in an order of sequence. They can vary depending on a client’s requirements and business domain. However, the standard steps that are followed are:

1. They Understand Requirements And Client Market

The first step that SEO companies take is they comprehend a client’s requirements. After understanding what they require from an SEO company, then understand client business and their market domain. This sets up a good base for an SEO audit as requirements are clearly understood by the SEO Companies in this phase.

2. What’s Required To Be Audited?

After the requirements, the company focuses on what can be audited. It depends on the requirements of the clients, and then the SEO company decides on what can be audited. Is it the content that’s causing a dip in rankings and traffic? Are CTA’S ineffective in generating sales and revenue? It could be internal and external backlinks or some technical issues on the website. Knowing what to audit, is, therefore, the first giant leap towards digital optimization.

Note: What is required to be audited also depends on the time of the audit. If, suppose, it’s a monthly audit focusing on a single parameter can also work. However, if it’s a quarterly or an annual audit, focusing on all SEO parameters should be the priority. SEO audits should, therefore, be performed regularly.

3. Usage Of Tools To Conduct An Audit Extensively

Tools are used extensively during and after an SEO audit. Tools are used to gain valuable insights and to acquire more crisp information. SEO audit tools are used to examine:

  • Content
  • Local SEO tactics
  • Links
  • Site Speed
  • Crawling & Indexing issues

With the tools, a website or any digital platform can be tested and checked for any issues.

4. Set A Date Range To Initiate Comparison

An audit requires a benchmark for it to be analyzed. Usually, setting a date range allows SEO companies to compare the data or findings with a previous timestamp. An SEO company can this way compare data from a previous year to the current year. It could be a monthly or quarterly comparison. The point is to measure with a benchmark to draw conclusions from the campaigns.

SEO companies even choose their metrics wisely in this regard. Some of the common parameters they measure and compare with are the organic traffic, traffic value, quality of backlinks, organic keyword rankings, etc.

5. Understanding Competition

With this understood, the company then aims on recognizing the SEO strategies opted by the competitors of the client. Understanding those, Best SEO Company optimizes the client’s digital presence to outdo their competitors. This also helps the company understand a market in a domain more extensively and take effective steps to boost search rankings and traffic for their clients.

The data also certainly becomes more clear when a competitor is understood. An SEO Firm uses its sources, and opportunities to better its client’s strategy. With competitor analysis, they also conduct a comparison between competitors and their clients with the help of tools and then they develop a better client strategy to outperform them. With the comparison, and data in hand, marketing agencies or companies adopt useful measures to outdo competitors.

6. Drawing Conclusions

Once an SEO company or digital agency has all the data, and comparisons, the company now has effectively gathered the information that it requires. Now, it all comes to data analysis and understanding the quantitative and qualitative insights from the audit. With an audit always ask why. Why did this happen, and what is the data telling me. After a careful look, a digital Company decides on answers.

7. Action Plan Establishment

With the information, an SEO company now prioritizes tasks based on severity. They develop an action plan where tasks that require immediate care are on priority. Based on the severity, tasks are arranged and resources and time are defined for each task. Once the tasks are defined, it’s action time where effective measures are taken to increase search rankings and traffic.


To get an SEO audit performed professionally reaching out to an SEO company can be the right move for any business. If any business wishes to increase its digital footprint, an SEO audit is the beginning where steps are usually taken as explained in this blog. Moreover, SEO companies conduct SEO audits day in and day out for various clients as they are experts, and getting an SEO audit done, the right way has multiple benefits. These steps, hence, work as an outline for companies as well as the clients on how to conduct a useful SEO audit.

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