facebook Google Panda 4.2 Update and Quick Recovery Tips

Google Panda 4.2 Update and Quick Recovery Tips

| October 30th, 2020 | 1942 Views

Google Panda 4.2 Update and Quick Recovery Tips

Google has confirmed rolling of its Panda algorithm 4.2 on 18th July. Google always keeps on updating its algorithms to improve the search results and bring more and more high-quality and relevant pages to millions of online searchers. Google has also confirmed that the improvement in Panda 4.2 has already affected 2-3% of search queries mainly English language sites, but slowly it is going to affect all search pages of other languages worldwide.

Panda Update 4.1 was done almost ten months ago in September 2014. However, the September 2014 update affected 3-5% of search pages compared to this one.

The best way to avoid getting penalized from Google is to start removing all low-quality content and continue updating content that is more relevant and useful to people. But, if your site has previously been impacted by Panda, and you have not made any changes to improve quality, you will have to wait for the next update to see fruitful results for your business. Moreover, if your page is penalized by the Panda 4.2 update, you will have to wait for the next update or refresh.

Google believes through this update, many sites having high-quality, relevant content will get benefited while sites having poor content will get the thrash. Sites with good content will achieve a higher ranking gradually, while sites with low-quality content will go down.

Users who are already getting a Panda penalty in the last few months will see positive changes in their page rankings in the coming months if they have cleaned their pages and have included high-quality content.

The aim of Google Algorithm Panda Update is simple – Panda algorithm update will reduce rankings of low-quality websites and will provide best ranks for high-quality sites.

How Can You Recover from Panda Penalty?

The best way to recover from a Panda algorithm update is to rewrite your content and make it of higher quality. It is no secret that Google prefers relevant content, but there are many other factors you need to remember when developing high-quality onsite content. Poor user experience can also significantly affect your quality score. You should, therefore, look for high bounce rates and poor time-on-site metrics. Start reviewing your site analytics to identify the pages with higher bounce rates and start working on them to retain visitors to these pages. Also, consider improving the layout of your page, including the use of multimedia, images, etc.

In short,

  • Remove thin content and update more content keeping minimum 500 words on a page
  • Don’t keep empty pages and try to fill these pages with relevant content
  • Avoid duplicate content and update unique and user-friendly content
  • Don’t copy content from other websites

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